Teaching and Learning  
NT$150 million Seed Fund Supports Young NTU Entrepreneurs

NTU promotes numerous policies and programs that encourage innovative research and development and seek to create a blossoming entrepreneurial environment on campus. This year, the university has joined forces with a local enterprise to establish a sustainable endowment that will provide funding to young NTU entrepreneurs and allow them to pursue their business ideas before they have even founded a company.

At a signing ceremony and press conference in August, Diamond BioFund Inc. and Richard Tsai of the Fubon Group donated NT$150 million to NTU for the establishment of the Diamond Seed Fund. The sustainable endowment will provide funding to student and faculty teams selected for the Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program's NTU Garage project.

NTU student teams supported by the Diamond Seed Fund that succeed in formally founding companies will have the entirety of the capital required for the establishment of their companies provided by Diamond BioFund Inc. and Mr. Tsai. In addition to the team's share of the company, a portion of the stock in the company will be donated to NTU. In line with the fund's establishment as a sustainable endowment, income from NTU's shares will be reinvested in the fund to ensure it remains a vital source of capital for NTU's young businesspeople.

During the signing ceremony, NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang said that the university will be focusing on the promotion of creativity and entrepreneurship over the next five years. President Yang noted that the Diamond Seed Fund was set up as a sustainable fund that would serve as the first source of funding for student teams from NTU's Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program at the earliest stages of their business conceptions, allowing them to pursue their dreams without financial worry.

The fund is managed by the NTU Entrepreneur Association and supports teams working in such areas as biotechnology, the Internet, and the creative industries.