Special Report  

NTU Press Marks 20th Anniversary with Republishing of Major Works

Established in 1996, NTU Press is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.  For two decades, the campus publisher has received valuable support and encouragement from the university in its endeavor to establish itself as an international Chinese-language academic publisher.

To mark this major milestone, NTU Press has looked back at its more than 700 published titles in compiling a commemorative collection consisting of 10 of its most important releases.  Called The NTU Press 20th Anniversary Selection, the collection represents the high mark of the publisher’s accomplishments, all of which can be listed on its report card for its outstanding performance to date.

In republishing these former best sellers, NTU Press has treated each to a comprehensive makeover.  This includes re-edited content, new layouts, and newly-designed covers that suit the sensibilities of contemporary readers.  The publisher has also invited influential scholars to pen new introductions for the refurbished editions, giving the readers an added incentive to revisit these exceptional works.

Among the books to be reprinted for The NTU Press 20th Anniversary Selection are four major works authored by two NTU intellectual luminaries.  These include Volume 1 and Volume 2 of Prof. Jing-Nong Tai’s The History of Chinese Literature, as well as Frankly Speaking and The Wisdom of Isolation, which are the first two volumes of the 22 volume collection, Complete Works of Hai-Guang Yin.

The commemorative collection features three other books focused on literature, including You-Kung Kao’s Analects of Chinese Aesthetic Classic and Literature, David Der-Wei Wang’s The Lyrical Tradition in Modern Times: Four Essays, and Kuo-Ching Tu’s Mandarin translation of Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal.
The collection is rounded out with three history books, Man-Houng Lin’s China Upside Down: Currency, Society, and Ideologies, 1808-1856 and William T. Rowe’s China’s Last Empire: The Great Qing, two books that address Chinese history in relation to world history, and Taiwanese history scholar Masahiro Wakabayashi’s The “Republic of China” and the Politics of Taiwanization: The Changing Identity of Taiwan in Postwar East Asia.