The Life Education Center Collects Used Handwarmers for Junior High Baseball Field

The Life Education Center extended a warm helping hand to the baseball team of Miaoli Hegang Junior High School by supporting the team’s campaign to collect used disposable handwarmers this past semester.

Concerned about the erosion of their red clay baseball field, the baseball players called on the public to donate their used handwarmers so the team could use the iron powder contained inside to maintain their baseball field.  Not only would this significantly reduce the cost of purchasing clay, the team pointed out that the iron from the handwarmers causes a mild salinization of the soil.

Due to the unusually cold weather this past winter, the center managed to fill its donation box in just a short amount of time.  Many students went out of their way to stop by the center’s offices and drop off their handwarmers once they stopped generating heat.  Some even wrote messages on the handwarmers, adding a personal touch to further encourage the young ball players.

While the center had already received donations from many members of NTU community, including students, faculty members, and even volunteer mothers, it took advantage of its popular annual film festival to further call on audience members to join the campaign.

In the end, the center succeeded in collecting three large boxes filled with 570 used handwarmers in just one month.  After receiving this large shipment of donations, the members of the baseball team expressed their sincere gratitude for the enthusiasm and support demonstrated by the center and everyone from the NTU community.