Online Calculus World Cup Attracts Viewers with Combination of E-sports and Math

NTU’s award-winning PaGamO, the world’s first multiplayer online social gaming platform for education, attracted thousands of competitors and tens of thousands of online viewers to its Calculus World Cup this past spring.  The event marked the world’s first international competition combining e-sports and mathematics.

More than 2,000 teams from 300 universities in over 45 countries competed online in the preliminary round in February.  The top 12 teams then traveled to Taiwan to battle it out in the semi-finals on April 8.  After two hours of intense competition between the top teams from Indonesia’s Bandung Institute of Technology, China’s Xiamen University, and NTU, the three NTU Department of Electrical Engineering students emerged victorious, taking home the top prize of US$10,000.

The finals were broadcast live online in both English and Mandarin to a total of more than 600,000 subscribing viewers around the world.  Viewership peaked at 27,000 viewers during the broadcast and over 13,000 continued to watch until the announcement of the final scores.