▎Teaching & Learning

Global Health Program Welcomes Incoming Students


Students and faculty attending the 2022 GHP welcome party.

This year marks the fourth year of the Global Health Program (GHP) offered by the College of Public Health. A welcome party was held on October 13, 2022 for its ten new master students. Program faculty, students, and alumni also attended, providing the new students with an occasion to get acquainted with them.

GHP invited alumni to share their experiences of the program and offer advice, such as on how to find the ideal research supervisor or choose a viable thesis topic. Through the gems shared by the alumni, the newcomers not only got insight in their own academic journey at GHP but also became better acquainted with the GHP community.

Other special guests were invited to the event, including two incoming graduate students in Public Health and Dr. Po-Han Lee and Dr. Jhu-Cin (Rita) Jhang, who work towards inclusivity, diversity, and equality at NTU. The two international graduate students were invited to mix with international students in other departments and institutes of the College of Public Health. During the event, Dr. Lee and Dr. Jhang introduced NTU’s “Inclusion Diversity Equality Initiative Project” to raise awareness of the importance of building an inclusive and diverse environment on campus. It is hoped that students will join the cause and actively participate in future events related to this project.

The highlight of the party was a guided tour of the NTU Medical Library. The newly renovated Medical Library boasts a rich collection of medical journals, textbooks, and resources. During the tour, GHP faculty members and students alike marveled at the abundance of academic resources as well as the diverse and ingenious design of the library’s facilities and spaces. The tour was rated so highly by the students that GHP decided to host the tour regularly so every new student in the program will experience this introduction to NTU’s medical research resources.

NTU’s Global Health Program targets international students, with the goal of providing students the necessary research skills to work toward solving the world’s most pressing public health issues.

Students and professors visiting NTU Medical Library.

GHP alumnus sharing his experience with the new graduate students.