▎Global Outlook

First Post-Pandemic International Symposium


PSU x CLS 2023 International Field Ecology Course Discussion.

Last December, the College of Life Science (CLS) received old friends from Prince of Songkla University (PSU) Thailand—a six-person delegation led by Associate Professor Anchana Prathep, the Dean of the Faculty of Science, PSU.

A long-term partner university of the College of Life Science, PSU has been co-hosting international field ecology courses with CLS for years together with Tung-Hai University and universities in Japan and Indonesia. Unfortunately, the close collaboration was suspended during the pandemic. Nevertheless, following the in-person bilateral academic exchange at the end of 2022, all parties are thrilled that the multinational field ecology courses will soon be offered again.

Besides arranging the International Field Ecology Course discussion, PSU also co-hosted a mini-symposium with CLS during their five-day visit, creating precious new opportunities for academic collaboration in the near future. Moreover, the PSU delegates paid visits to several prominent academic institutions, including the College of Science, the Institute of Oceanography, the Department of Geology, NTU Advanced Research Center for Green Materials Science and Technology (ARC-GMST), Academia Sinica, and Tung-Hai University, with the assistance of CLS faculty.

CLS is grateful to host the first in-person meeting with visitors from a partner university in the post-pandemic era, and is looking forward to further in-person academic exchanges with partner universities from around the world.

Group photo of the PSU delegation with Prof. Shih-Tong Jeng (Dean of CLS, fourth from the right), and Prof. Chau-Ti Ting (Associate Dean of CLS, third from the right).

Group photo taken at PSU x CLS Mini-Symposium Session 1.

Group photo taken at PSU x CLS Mini-Symposium Session 2.