
Passion Worker Book Forum: Journey to the Stars


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NTU’s Career Center and its student editorial staff organized their first forum to launch the 2023 Passion Worker NTUer Workplace Handbook. The forum featured two exciting sessions. In Session 1 the student editorial staff explained the steps they took in creating the handbook, and in Session 2 two interviewees from the handbook shared their career development stories with the audience. Tablets were provided at the forum venue so the attendees could read the electronic version of the handbook as well as interact with the editorial staff and guests there.

The two guest speakers, NTU Alumni Danny Yang and Yen-Te Wu, were invited to share their career paths with the participants. Danny Yang discussed how he successfully started up his business using the necessary management and organizational skills he had learned in NTUESC (a cake-baking club) and the varsity team. In concluding, he encouraged every student to do their very best in absolutely everything during their university years.

When facing frustrations on your career path, Yen-Te Wu declared, what matters most is to accept who you are. He reminded everyone, “You can stay down when you fall instead of forcing yourself to bounce back up. Get up only after you have had enough rest. When you are well rested, you can do better.”

“Journey to the Stars” was chosen as the theme for this event, since our life is like an adventure in space, full of uncertainties. There will be surprises, confusions, and frustrations as one hurtles through the edge of space in a spaceship. Remember that everything is a part of the journey—taking a rest stop at the interstellar station, wandering around the universe, plunging down wormholes when you are scared out of your wits! NTU’s Career Center and the student editorial staff all sincerely hope that the experiences shared by the 15 alumni in the book will help students to navigate those moments of frustration and confusion along their life path.

Guest speakers Danny Yang, Founder of TERRA Bean to Bar Chocolate (first right) and Yen-Te Wu Founder of Do You a Flavor (second right) discussing their career paths with the student editorial staff.

Participants could read the e-book version of the 2023 Passion Worker NTUer Workplace Handbook on tablets at the venue and interact with the editorial staff and guest speakers.

Group photo of the guests, faculty members, and participants at the 2023 Passion Worker Book Forum.