▎Teaching & Learning

MPB Biodiversity Workshop: Bridging Cultures and Disciplines


MPB students visit Dongyan Mountain Forest.

The International College of NTU, established in 2021, has demonstrated remarkable progress in fostering interdisciplinary integration and creating an immersive English learning environment to cultivate global talents. With a focus on innovative educational approaches, the college has launched four interdisciplinary master’s programs: Master’s Program in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science, Master’s Program in Biodiversity, Master’s Program in Smart Medicine and Health Informatics, and Master’s Program in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience. Each program curriculum emphasizes the unique strengths of NTU and strives to provide exceptional experiences in higher education.

This year, the Master’s Program in Biodiversity (MPB) organized the “Workshop on Biodiversity,” which included taking international students on field trips to explore Taiwan’s natural landscapes and conservation and research centers. These educational excursions enabled students to gain first-hand insights into how government policies and regulations shape ecosystems. Engaging in meaningful discussions with local tribes and communities in Pinglin, Nantou, Yangming Mountain, and NTU’s Experimental Forest, students were inspired to examine a range of topics through the lenses of management, economy, and human geography. Furthermore, class discussions facilitated valuable discussions, as students compared Taiwan with their respective homelands, fostering a spirit of exploration and new ideas.

Drawing on the English proficiency and biodiversity knowledge of the international students, the program actively collaborated with the Endemic Species Research Institute (Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan). The students supported the optimization of the institute’s English information and provided advice on designing activities to enhance public awareness of Taiwan’s unique ecosystem and endemic endangered species. Such efforts are aimed to attract international attention and elevate the global visibility of Taiwan’s biodiversity.

The programs offered by the International College of NTU all provide international students with a diversity of curriculum designs and an English-speaking learning environment, offering them the opportunity to conduct field studies in relevant institutions and corporations in Taiwan and explore issues in their respective disciplines while immersing themselves in local cultures. During this process, the programs embrace diversity in disciplines, cultures, languages, and learning approaches, bridging the gap between their academic knowledge and practical application in offering comprehensive and enriching educational experiences for the students.

MPB students visit the Endemic Species Research Institute in Nantou (Photo credit: Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan).

MPB students visit the Endemic Species Research Institute in Nantou (Photo credit: Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan).
