2023 European Physical Society Hannes Alfven Prize Bestowed on Prof. Pisin Chen


The award ceremony for the 2023 Hannes Alfvén Prize by the European Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics (EPS-DPP) in Bordeaux, France on July 3, presided over by Prof. Kristel Crombe (first left), Chair of the Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society.

The 2023 Hannes Alfvén Prize, awarded by the European Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics (EPS-DPP), has been jointly presented to Professors Pisin Chen of National Taiwan University and Jamie Rosenzweig and Chandrashekhar Joshi of UCLA in Bordeaux, France. This prestigious prize was awarded in recognition of their exceptional contributions in proposing, demonstrating, and conducting groundbreaking experiments on plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA) driven by particle beams. The recipients have made significant advancements in various areas of the field, including the invention, the development of theoretical concepts, the design and execution of pioneering demonstration experiments, and the guidance of applications for this acceleration technique. Prof. Pisin Chen graciously accepted the prize and delivered a speech during the ceremony.

Prof. Pisin Chen is the NTU Chee-Chun Leung Distinguished Chair Professor of Cosmology and the Founding Director of Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (LeCosPA). He is also the Distinguished Chair Professor of the Physics Department. This is yet one more recognition of Prof. Chen’s exceptional scientific contributions after his receiving the Blaise Pascal Chair bestowed by the Government of Ile de France in 2018.

The citation of Prof. Chen’s accomplishments states: “Prof. Pisin Chen is regarded as the inventor of PWFA and played a key role in the theoretical development of the plasma wakefield accelerator principle, energy transfer and beam loading, and plasma lenses at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the 1980s. The extreme gradients and energy gains obtainable from PWFA was a pathbreaking innovation at the energy frontier, and the extreme focusing with plasma lenses was a pathbreaking innovation at the luminosity frontier. He led an experiment at SLAC that successfully demonstrated the plasma lens principle as predicted.”

Prof. Pisin Chen, Chee-Chun Leung Distinguished Chair Professor of Cosmology and Director of Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (LeCosPA), delivers the first speech after the award was presented for his conception of plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA) driven by particle beams and the theoretical foundation.

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