One-Stop Solution for All Things VR


VR immersive experience.

To promote immersive learning in virtual reality (VR), NTU Digital Learning Center, Office of Academic Affairs (DLC), invited Prof. Chia-Pin Yu, the head of the DLC’s Division of University Courses, to introduce the resources provided by the Center. He also discussed cases of both faculty and students who had utilized VR teaching aids in their respective fields.

Prof. Yu noted that while many NTU professors are eager to adopt VR immersive teaching in their courses, they do not know exactly how to transform their existing curriculums into VR content. A common impression is that VR technology is highly technical and presents a high barrier of entry. To address this misapprehension and promote immersive teaching, DLC has taken the initiative to identify suitable software and hardware for VR curriculums as well as organizing and hosting VR curriculum design workshops. These workshops cover everything from hardware operation, script design, material creation, to software instruction; by following such direct guidance, anyone can learn to create VR curriculums from scratch. Additionally, DLC offers VR equipment rental services for those interested in experimenting.

Through a VR workshop, Prof. Hsiao-Ling Yang, NTU School of Nursing, learned to record medical procedures in VR, which created an immersive experience through which her students learned how to react in real-life situations. Prof. Hsiao-Han Chao of the Athletic Department created VR tennis videos to familiarize students with ball control techniques from a third-person perspective-- as if they were playing on the court. Students marveled at the level of immersion this teaching format achieved, which was not possible through traditional lectures or 2D videos.

To further disseminate VR teaching on campus, DLC is planning to go beyond faculty training. The focus of the next phase will be students. By recruiting and training a team of seed students, more students will gain practical instruction in VR curriculum creation and applications.

Prof. Chia-Pin Yu, Associate Director of the DLC Division of University Courses, discussing VR promotion.

VR curriculum workshop.

Applying VR technology to a tennis course.
