D-School TBD Program, NTU Plus Organize Welcome Day


Participating students and faculty on TBD Welcome Day.

NTU established its D-School in 2015 and introduced the Trans-disciplinary Bachelor Degree Program (TBD) in 2021. During the 8 years since its establishment, NTU’s D-School has offered over 300 courses to its 7,000 students and faculty, involving diverse industries and communities to create and sustain a learner-centered open university.

This summer, TBD faculty members and student union collaborated with NTU Plus and its venue partners in Daxi District to organize TBD Welcome Day. Assistant Professor Dr. Shu-Wei Huang explained that the TBD curriculum structure is aimed to cultivate the students’ three core abilities: problem-solving, innovative practice, and global connection. Associate Dean Shenglin Chang shared the origin story of D-School and the evolution of its strategies and visions. She advised students to let their passion and interest be their guide and learn with their partners with trust and an open heart.

During the reality puzzle-solving section, the organizers adopted the “River Age” reality game, designed by field partners of NTU Plus. The game encouraged the students to explore Daxi and fully experience the region through their five senses. Welcome Day was not only about getting to know each other but also demonstrating that at D-School, any field can be a classroom full of real-life learning opportunities. Associate Professor Shany-Yun Huang mentioned that TBD is a brand-new program that encourages students to learn with an open attitude and a sense of purpose; through deliberate thinking, each student can shape and define their learning process. While hardships and setbacks are inevitable, the experience is worthwhile-- because “this is new and this could be fun.”

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TBD Program to learn more.

Associate Dean Shenglin Chang (second left) interacts with students.

Students participate in the reality game in Daxi District.

Associate Professor Shany-Yun Huang shares his great sense of humor during a feedback session.
