
Physics Prof. Daniel Baumann: Enhancing Cosmology Research

Daniel Baumann is the Chee-Chun Leung Distinguished Chair Professor in NTU’s Department of Physics and the new Director of the Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (LeCosPA). On his office desk lies a beach ball, covered with red, blue, green and yellow spots. Prof. Baumann explains that the different colors represent differences in the intensity of light emitted 13.8 billion years ago, when the Universe first became transparent to light. The image on the beach ball---based on data collected by NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)---is the first snapshot of inhomogeneities in the early universe. “Ultimately, these fluctuations grew into all the structures we see around us. It is an amazing story!”


The Humboldt Research Award Goes to Physics Prof. Daniel Baumann

Daniel Baumann, professor of cosmology at NTU, is one of the recipients of the prestigious Humboldt Research Award. The award has been granted in recognition of Prof. Baumann’s accomplishments in research and teaching.
The Humboldt Research Award is one of the highest honors awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to international scholars who work outside Germany. Recipients are “academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge academic achievements in the future”. To this day, a total of 54 Nobel Prize winners have been granted this prize, including several Academicians from Taiwan. The prize is currently valued at €60,000 with the possibility of further support during the prize winner’s lifetime.

NTU Honored for Global Patent Grants

On February 22, 2024, the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), Florida, USA, announced the “Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted Utility Patents in 2023.” The top three universities around the world that have been granted the most U.S. invention patents were the University of California system, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of Texas system. Having obtained 55 granted patents, National Taiwan University (NTU) ranked 58th globally—exceeding many prestigious universities, including Kyoto University, Japan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the National University of Singapore, and the University of Oxford, UK.

NTU Shines at the 2024 ICPC World Finals

Launched in 1977, the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) stands as a pinnacle of excellence as the Olympics of competitive programming. Throughout its illustrious 46-year history, this esteemed competition has attracted participants from over 100 countries--nearly 60,000 university students annually. Widely considered the premier programming contest for university students worldwide, ICPC serves as a crucible where exceptional talent is challenged and celebrated. The outstanding programmers who emerge victorious from this contest are coveted by prestigious universities and industry leaders alike.


NTU, Kyushu U & UIUC Unveil the Trilateral Center

NTU President Wen-Chang Chen, Kyushu University President Tatsuro Ishibashi, and Chancellor Robert Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on February 19 -- and unveiled the Trilateral Center. In particular, the three institutions intend to systematically develop and promote faculty and student exchange programs as well as scientific research cooperation in medicine, engineering, agriculture, humanities, and social sciences.

Int'l Alumni Homecoming: A Celebration of Strong Bonds and Fond Memories

NTU is honored to have educated more than 5,000 outstanding international graduates from more than 100 countries. Upon completing their studies, most of the alumni become NTU ambassadors around the world, while some choose to stay in Taiwan and contribute their expertise. In an effort to strengthen the bonds among the international alumni, the Office of International Affairs held its first international alumni homecoming on March 16 this year, attracting 60 alumni from 20 countries, including the United States, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nepal, Turkey, and St. Lucia, to return to NTU campus. Many of the participating alumni had graduated over 20 years earlier, some traveling long distances to Taiwan for the grand event.

New Center for the Study of Chinese Humanities in Honor of Ying-Shin Yu

On March 22, 2024, National Taiwan University hosted the inauguration ceremony of the Ying-Shih Yu International Center for History and the Chinese Humanities (YCHCH) and a two-day commemorative symposium dedicated to the late Academician Ying-Shih Yu (1930-2021), one of the world's most respected and influential sinologists. Esteemed scholars from China and around the world gathered to pay tribute to Yu for his profound and far-reaching scholarly and intellectual contributions.


"Supramolecular Exciplex" Opens New Prospects for OLED Materials

Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays in mobile phones, computers, and TVs enliven our daily lives. With support from the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Prof. Ken-Tsung Wong and Pi-Tai Chou of NTU’s Department of Chemistry unveiled a new supramolecular approach, opening a new possibility for developing low-cost, high-efficiency OLED devices. This research result was published in the high-impact international scholarly journal, Nature Chemistry (January 2024), attracting widespread attention in the academic community.

A Global Dataset of the Shape of Rivers and Drainage System

Drainage basins divide the Earth’s surface into separate water collection units. The geometry of rivers and drainage basins affects the transportability of water and sediments, as well as the connectivity of freshwater species between ecosystems. For example, the shape of a drainage basin determines the length of groundwater paths, affecting the distribution and transport of nutrients and pollutants. The shape also determines whether the landscape is narrow river valley or wide floodplain, which in turn affects habitat distribution and biodiversity.

Teaching & Learning

Int'l Study Group Fosters Peer to Peer Exchange

The Center for Teaching and Learning Development collaborated with Kobe University and The Kyushu Institute of Technology in organizing the International Study Group Project. The mission of the center, which is operated by the Office of Academic Affairs, is to enhance the students' international perspectives and foster cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan,

Celebrating Excellence: NTU Professors Recognized by MOE Teaching Practice Research Program

NTU serves as a beacon of higher education, steadfastly committed to cutting-edge research, innovative teaching methods, and effective service. This year, the Ministry of Education (MOE) Teaching Practice Research Program honored four esteemed NTU professors for their outstanding contributions to educational practice and research, acknowledging their crucial role in shaping student’s learning experiences. Let's delve into their award-winning projects:

Unveiling Int'l School of Politics & Economics

In keeping with Taiwan’s national talent development strategy and industry demand, NTU demonstrated its commitment to social responsibility as Taiwan’s premier academic institution, with the unveiling of the International School of Politics and Economics at its Downtown Campus on May 6, 2024. The ceremony also inaugurated the campus redevelopment plan.

Exploratory Learning: Embracing the World as Classroom - A Case Study of NTU’s D-School Initiatives

In its effort to redefine educational paradigms, NTU D-School has spearheaded the innovative “Exploratory Learning Program” as a key element of their transformative “Future University” project. This groundbreaking initiative is the first of its kind in Taiwan, empowering students to delve into several fields while pursuing their academic journey without interruptions.

NTU Launches Innovative Pre-U Math and Science Program

With the summer vacation fast approaching, National Taiwan University (NTU) is once again launching its “NTU Pre-U Program for Math and Science,” offering three online preparatory courses:: “Calculus,” “General Physics,” and “General Chemistry.” The Pre-U Program encourages incoming freshmen to conduct self-paced online learning to strengthen their foundational knowledge in mathematics and science, advancing their preparations for interdisciplinary learning and professional training.


Nobel Chemistry Laureate Aaron Ciechanover Speaks at NTU

On April 1, 2024, NTU hosted a captivating lecture by Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, the esteemed 2004 Nobel laureate in Chemistry. He discussed “The Revolution of Personalized Medicine – Are We Going to Cure All Diseases and at What Price?” as part of the Royal Palm Lecture Series. Prof. Ciechanover discussed the transformative impact of medical breakthroughs, exploring the rapidly evolving landscape of personalized medicine and its potential intersections with privacy concerns.

Development of Composite New RCS System: An Academia-Industry Joint Venture

The New RCS project, led by Prof. Yu-Chen Ou of National Taiwan University (NTU), has revolutionized the construction of high-rise buildings with its innovative Composite Moment Frame System (RCS). By merging reinforced concrete (RC) columns with steel (S) beams, the system offers a cost-effective and structurally sound alternative to conventional construction methods. The project was funded by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of Taiwan and Ruentex Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (Ruentex). Ruentex, a premier Taiwanese real estate developer, joined the project to contribute its extensive industrial expertise.

Blooming Creativity: 2024 NTU Club Expo

Every March the azaleas bloom on campus, and NTU hosts the annual Azalea Festival and Club Expo, igniting the campus with vitality and diversity. Club Expo serves as a vibrant platform for student clubs to connect with the community and showcase their creativity, fostering exchanges and collaborations among the various clubs. NTU's unique student clubs are dispersed among eight different

Discover the Joy of Popular Science at NTU Insect Museum

Parenting is a fundamental factor in human parent-child relationships. Did you know that insects also have social structures that resemble human families? And that they display fascinating parenting behaviors? NTU Insect Museum recently hosted a family workshop two weeks before Mother’s Day, focusing on leaf-rolling weevils, which the Museum showcased as “among the most exemplary mothers of the insect world.”

Commencement Celebrates First Interdisciplinary Bachelor Graduate

National Taiwan University (NTU) held its 2024 Commencement Ceremony on May 25th at the Comprehensive Sports Center. This year, a total of 11,020 students graduated, including 5,313 undergraduates, 5,182 master's students, and 525 doctoral students.

Eminent Immunologist Prof. Tasuku Honjo Awarded Prestigious NTU Honorary Doctorate

In a memorable occasion on April 23, 2024, a distinguished gathering convened at Kyoto University (KU), where President Wen-Chang Chen of National Taiwan University (NTU) conferred the esteemed Honorary Doctor of Medicine degree upon Prof. Tasuku Honjo.