Blooming Creativity: 2024 NTU Club Expo


NTU President, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Vice President for Academic Affairs posing together for a picture at the “World Volunteer Society” booth during the 2024 Club Expo.

Every March the azaleas bloom on campus, and NTU hosts the annual Azalea Festival and Club Expo, igniting the campus with vitality and diversity. Club Expo serves as a vibrant platform for student clubs to connect with the community and showcase their creativity, fostering exchanges and collaborations among the various clubs. NTU's unique student clubs are dispersed among eight different categories--art, academics, service, physical training, social engagement, governance, and comprehensive. Besides the club booth exhibits, Club Expo features a host of club exchange activities, performances, and interactive displays, all welcoming guests and visitors, including high school students from around the country, to experience NTU's vibrant cultures and academic excellence first-hand.

This year, Club Expo welcomed several international clubs, such as "Far From Home" and the Malaysian Alumni Association. Students poured heart and soul into designing creative ways to promote their clubs, share their ideals, and attract new members. At every booth, the club names were given in English as well as Chinese, to ensure inclusivity and help international students find clubs that roused their passion or matched their interest, fostering an international and welcoming campus environment. Featuring 136 student club booths and 5 administrative and public relations booths, Club Expo attracted over 3,000 participants, showcasing the youthful and energetic atmosphere on NTU campus.

Far From Home Club at the 2024 Club Expo.

NTU Judo Club at the 2024 Club Expo.
