15th GIS: Rebuild and Revive


Group photo at the opening of the 2024 Global Initiatives Symposium.

The 15th Global Initiatives Symposium (GIS) kicked off its five-day annual conference at NTU on July 1. This year’s theme, “Rebuild and Revive,” drew inspiration from the metamorphosis of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. The theme encouraged the student representatives to break free from past dependencies, challenge existing frameworks, and reshape their understanding of the world-- while remaining open to new possibilities. By “rebuilding” their mindset, participants were invited to undergo a personal “revival.”

The symposium commenced with an opening speech by NTU President Wen-Chang Chen. Several distinguished speakers highlighted the event, such as Wei-Wei Wu, LinkedIn’s Regional Director for Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Giuseppe Izzo, General Manager of STMicroelectronics Taiwan. The symposium attracted university and high school students from 11 countries around the world, including United States, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, and Honduras.

The three main topics were explored at the symposium: “Smart Cities,” “Artificial Intelligence,” and “Sustainable Finance.” Through stimulating keynote lectures, the Thought Accelerator, and project discussions, industry experts, government officials, and academic leaders engaged the student representatives in focused dialogues. Through these activities, presenters from the various sectors shared their diverse perspectives and rich experiences with the students.

In addition to the emphasis on intellectual exchange, the GIS also features highly engaging cultural activities. This year’s cultural festival included booths and performances that showcased the unique aspects of different cultures, allowing student representatives to immerse themselves in and discover the richness of other traditions around the world. The symposium also featured special talks by representatives from the American Institute in Taiwan, the Embassy of Saint Kitts and Nevis, and the Czech Economic and Cultural Office who shared their valuable insights into cross-cultural experiences.

As the symposium came to a successful close, the hope was expressed that the student representatives from around the world would leave with a vivid, positive impression of National Taiwan University and Taiwan, ultimately raising Taiwan’s visibility on the global stage.

NTU President delivering the opening speech for the 2024 Global Initiatives Symposium.

The Lanyang Samba Dance Group performing at the 2024 Global Initiatives Symposium Cultural Festival.

NTU Vice President for Student Affairs, Shi-Wei Chu, visiting the Cultural Festival at the 2024 Global Initiatives Symposium.

NTU Deputy Vice President for Student Affairs, Tsai Pei-Hsueh, delivering the closing remarks at the 2024 Global Initiatives Symposium.
