NTU Unveils Top 100 Contributions: Celebrating a Century of Excellence


NTU Leaders Present the Top 100 Contributions: Left to right: Prof. Ke-Chuan Tsai, Department of Civil Engineering; Associate Dean Shu-Jen Wang, College of Bioresources and Agriculture; Dean Yen-Hsuan Ni, College of Medicine; Dean Yu-Yu Cheng, College of Liberal Arts; President Wen-Chang Chen; Dean Chun-Chieh Wu, College of Science; Dean Po-Lun Jiang, College of Life Science; Dean Shou-Hsia Cheng, College of Public Health; and Dean Tsung-Lin Wu, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

In anticipation of its looming centennial in 2028, National Taiwan University (NTU) has taken a momentous step to commemorate its legacy. The origins of NTU trace back to the founding of Taihoku Imperial University in 1928. During the subsequent years, the university has striven to establish itself as a leader in global higher education and also has played a pivotal role in numerous historic events.

This year, NTU launched a five-year project to highlight 100 significant contributions that have made a profound impact on Taiwan and the world. These contributions are grouped into three categories: “Academic Excellence,” “Industrial and Economic Development,” and “Social Contributions.” This project supports the theme of the planned centennial celebration-- “A Centenary of Perseverance Preluding a Century of Prominence,” emphasizing NTU’s mission to forge ahead while honoring its history.

On November 12, NTU hosted the inaugural “Top 100 Contributions Announcement Ceremony” at which President Wen-Chang Chen, accompanied by deans from the various colleges, unveiled the first 24 contributions selected for this year.

President Chen emphasized that the selection of these particular contributions reflected the spirit of former NTU President Fu Ssu-Nien’s vision for NTU: “A University for the Universe.” He noted that these achievements symbolize the dedication and efforts of NTU’s faculty, students, and alumni during the past century. Looking ahead, President Chen encouraged the entire NTU community to continue innovating and expanding the university’s global impact.

In his presentation, President Chen also introduced NTU’s centennial projects, including initiatives to nurture future talent, create an exceptional academic environment to attract outstanding faculty, expand research capacity, foster international collaborations, and build a smart, sustainable campus.

In closing, President Chen encouraged all NTU faculty, staff, students, and alumni to work together in making the centennial celebrations a great success. “The centennial will mark a significant milestone. By making concerted efforts, we will inject greater passion and spirit into this historic moment, creating new milestones and ushering NTU into its second century of glory.”

NTU President Wen-Chang Chen introducing the “Top 100 Contributions” initiative-- to honor NTU’s legacy and shape its future.
